C06 History as Material? Artistic Historicizing as an Intervening Practice
This research project centres around an increased and diversified exploration of history in contemporary art. It looks at artistic works that refer to historical constellations, materials, and narratives and asks how poietic procedures of historicising reflect, deconstruct, and expand historical narratives. This sub-project will examine how poietic procedures interrogate the genesis of historical narratives, how they bring processes of drafting and of discarding historical narratives into view, how different historical perspectives are compared and contrasted, and their potential for intervention. According to the sub-project’s working hypothesis, artistic historiography becomes impactful as an interventional practice when poietic procedures not only create dialogue around diverse perspectives on historical narratives but also question contemporary social contexts that are explicitly or implicitly based on these narratives. SP 1 asks how different models of and approaches to artistic historiography intervene in dominant historical narratives as methodical unlearning. SP 2 examines how historical “world orders” and their justifications are subject to artistic critique in colonial contexts.
Head of Project
Prof. Dr. Karin Gludovatz (SP 2)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Birgit Eusterschulte (SP 1)
Student Assistant
Binta Boiro (until August 14, 2024)