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Working Group: Decolonial Art Spaces

The working group is dedicated to artistic works and practices that deal with hegemonic power relations and demarcations in an intervening way. We ask ourselves how decolonial art spaces are created that question and change social norms and structures through reflection, transgression and transformation. We will reflect on decolonial and emancipatory knowledge practices and related discourses by visiting exhibitions and performances together, discussing theoretical texts and inviting guests to join the working group.

Based on the impulses, methods and objects of the participating working group participants, we work with questions and approaches from various disciplines and move at their interfaces (including art history, gender studies, cultural studies, dance, theater and film studies, performance studies, sound studies, literary studies, ethnography). We counter the Eurocentric understanding of the concept of decolonization with discourse-critical perspectives from the so-called Global South. We understand decolonization as a continuous process that is open to criticism and encounter. The questions that concern us include:

How can art understandings and art practices be reflected from a decolonial research perspective? How can the concept of intervention be used in this context? How do decolonizing and feminist discourses and practices interact? How can historical contexts and analytical procedures of the present be placed in relation to each other?

Contact persons are Layla Zami (B05) and Birgit Eusterschulte (C06).