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Workshop | Ecologies of Intervention: Elements Part I

Jun 19, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Event in English and German spoken language | free admission | no registration required | no barrier-free access

In the workshop “Ecologies of Intervention: Elements” we want to discuss the relationship between the arts and the elements – especially water and earth – as well as the question how art can intervene in our ways of perception with and through the elements. For example, how do specific filmic stagings of elements make the consequences of the climate crisis tangible? Or, how is a non-anthropocentric perspective asserted through the obstinacy of bodies of water or glaciers? How do obstinacy, materiality and movement of the elements become part of artistic practices and how do they relate to each other?


10:00-11:30       Winfried Pauleit
                          Audiovisuelle Wasserlandschaften und Verflechtungen der Moderne: Berlin /Paris
                          Matthias Grotkopp
                          Wasser, Kreisläufe und Verflechtungen der Indigenität
11:30-12:00       Coffee break 12:00-1:30         Doris Kolesch and Layla Zami
                          Liquid Listening: From Water to Sonic Waves
1:30-2:30           Lunch break 2:30-4:00           Sophie Schultze-Allen
                          Practical exercises with subsequent discussion (on the premises of the Instituts für Theaterwissenschaft)

The workshop consists of two events that build on each other but can also be attended separately. The second part will take place on July 3, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The events are organized by project C05 together with project B02 and project B05. It is being held in cooperation with Cinepoetics – Center for Advanced Film Studies and follows the workshop “Poetics of Activism: Ecology & Media” and thus continues the “Ecologies of Intervention” series.

Time & Location

Jun 19, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

SFB 1512 Intervenierende Künste, Seminarraum, Grunewaldstr. 34, 12165 Berlin

Further Information

Contact person: Yvonne Pfeilschifter yvonne.pfeilschifter@fu-berlin.de