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Workshop | Somatic Landscape

Jun 05, 2024 - Jun 07, 2024

Event in English spoken language | free admission | registration required | barrier-free access

"Somatic Landscape" is a workshop to practically explore how dance and somatics open an understanding of the connection between systems of hierarchy and the ecological crises our world is experiencing. In my PhD research, I’m curious about the ways that different somatic practices support to experience the body as part of the earth. How do somatic practices support an awareness of humans as embedded in ecological landscapes rather than superior to them? This practical workshop will take place in the Dance Lab of the FU Theater Institute and Botanical Gardens next-door in three sections: Indoor movement and discussion, outdoor somatic listening and writing, theoretical discussion and reflections. You are welcome to join for any section, no prerequisites or movement experience required. The workshop will be in English with possible translation in German.

Wed 05.06.24: 14:00-18:00 (first in DanceLab then nearby at the Botanical Gardens ca. 16:00-18:00)

Fri 07.06.24: 14:00-16:00 (only DanceLab)

This workshop is coordinated by Sophie Schultze-Allen (project B02) in cooperation with Layla Zami (project B05) as part of the workshop series “Beziehungsweisen und Umgebungswissen” (Relationality and Environmental Knowledge).

Time & Location

Jun 05, 2024 - Jun 07, 2024

DanceLab, Institute for Theater Studies (top floor), Grunewaldstraße 35, 12165 Berlin

Further Information

To register, please email Sophie Schultze-Allen: Sophie.schultze-allen@fu-berlin.de

Pronouns: they/them