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Call | Understanding 1989 in East-Central European Art. War vs. Revolution

News vom 25.11.2022

The aim of the project is to create a platform for exchange of different narratives on the art produced as a result of the chain of events that unfolded in 1989 and in the following years (the fall of the socialist system in Europe, the end of the Cold War, the dissolution of Yugoslavia and the collapse of the Soviet Union), followed by the transition to democracy and capitalism/market economy. Usually, the study of these phenomena is restricted to national contexts, languages, and geographical borders. The approaching 35th anniversary of 1989 and the 30th commemoration of the violent dissolution of Yugoslavia offers an opportunity to overcome these limitations in favour of a comparative narrative that focuses on both similarities and differences of the process of political, economic, and social transition in Eastern Europe, and East-Central European art.

We have 15 places for applicants. The target of the seminar is both Ph.D. students and emerging scholars (in exceptional cases Master's students) from East-Central Europe (in exceptional cases from other parts of the world), with a deep interest in the art of the region and the intention to continue research on the subjects discussed during the seminars and/or if the subject of their research is of particular relevance for the project. We will honour the diversity of the professional backgrounds of the group, and we will give priority to those who can prove their engagement to the subject. Once selected, the applicants are expected to take part actively in the whole series of seminars and read the literature on which the discussions will be based. Travel, accommodation, and meals will be arranged and covered by the organisers.

The project led by the Piotr Piotrowski Center for Research on East-Central European Art at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and supported by the Getty Foundation as part of its Connecting Art Histories initiative, consists of a series of four one-week seminars - in Sarajevo, in Bucharest, a virtual one via Zoom, and in Poznań.
Team: Magdalena Radomska & Edit András (project leads), Caterina Preda, Boris Buden

How to apply: Please submit
1. A bio
2. A list of conferences and academic papers, publications, projects, etc.
3. A letter of intent (describing why you wish to participate, what your professional insight on the topic is, in which way your previous activity is relevant to the seminar, how you think you could benefit from the seminar, and how it could be part of your future work)
4. One letter of reference from a scholar acquainted with your work Please send these documents to the email address: piotrpiotrowskicenter@amu.edu.pl with the title “1989” by 30 November 2022.
We will respond to your applications by 20 December 2022.

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