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Workshop | On the question of feminist dramaturgy and its formats

News vom 22.05.2023

Kirsten Maar from project B02 and Mila Pavićević invite you to the workshop "On the question of feminist dramaturgy and its formats“, which is the third in a series on the relationships and correspondences of dramaturgy and choreography, funded by Fritz Thyssen-Foundation.

In our workshop we want to ask what different kinds of feminist tools do exist and how can they be applied in dramaturgy, choreography, curation and close practices? What has changed since those years of early feminism, what issues and tactics remain a point of reference for today’s different conditions? How do some of those ideas still inform our practices? How do they unfold within the challenges of our neoliberal society? How do they enable different forms of agency and create access? Can we use feminist practices and thinking to create different alliances with marginalized and silenced positions around their oral histories and their visions of a differently imagined future? 

Since it really “matters what matters we use to think with” (Haraway), we want to explore formats of feminist worlding, practices which put us in a different relationship to our surroundings and the material world, which could force us to rethink and re-formulate our habits and the particular conditions our knowledges are shaped by.

The workshop will take place on Friday, May 26th from 10:00-17:00 in the DanceLab and auditorium at the Theater Department at Free University, Grunewaldstrasse 35 in Berlin-Steglitz and will consist of lectures and practicing together with our guests: 

10:00-10:15      Kirsten Maar and Mila Pavićević
10:15-11:00      Elena Polzer
11:15-12:00      Mariama Diagne
12:00-13:15      Break
13:15-14:30      Gurur Ertem
14:45-15:30      Dragana Bulut
15:30-16:00      Wrap-up

The language of the workshop will be English.
If you would like to attend the workshop, please register: send a short email to Friederike Hartge: f.hartge@fu-berlin.de

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