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Gespräch | Edging Practice(s): A Conversation Between Sandra Noeth and Liz Rosenfeld

24.06.2024 | 18:00 c.t.

Veranstaltung in englischer Lautsprache | Eintritt frei | keine Anmeldung erforderlich | barrierefreier Zugang: Bedarf bitte anmelden

Liz Rosenfeld is a Berlin based visual and performance artist who works in film/video, performance, and experimental writing practice. Liz addresses the sustainability of emotional and political ecologies, cruising methodologies, past and future histories in regard to the ways in which memory is queered. Liz's work deals with flesh as a non-binary collaborative material, specifically focussing on the potentiality of physical abundance and excess, approaching questions regarding the responsibility and privilege of taking up space. Embracing an auto- theoretical style, Liz's writing is rooted in questions that contend with how queer ontologies are grounded in variant hypocritical desire(s.)

The conversation ist part of the lecture series KUNST als ÜBUNG hosted by Prof.in Dr. Kirsten Maar from project B02 and Prof.in Dr. Francesca Raimondi.

Zeit & Ort

24.06.2024 | 18:00 c.t.

Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Hörsaal, Grunewaldstr. 35, 12165 Berlin

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Ansprechperson: Kirsten Maar (kirsten.maar@fu-berlin.de)