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Prize | Honorable Mention for Layla Zami

Brockett Prize Honorable Mention 2023 Dr. Layla Zami

Brockett Prize Honorable Mention 2023 Dr. Layla Zami
Image Credit: Miriam Klingl

News from Sep 15, 2023

Dr. Layla Zami vom Teilprojekt B05 'Akustische Störungen. Postkoloniale und queere Potentiale sonischer Interventionen' erhält die Honorable Mention beim Oscar G. Brockett Prize for Dance Research für ihr Buch Contemporary PerforMemory. Dancing through Spacetime, Historical Trauma and Diaspora in the 21th Century. Der Preis wird jährlich für das beste Buch in den Tanzwissenschaften der letzten drei Jahr verliehen, dessen Untersuchungsmethode eine historische Vorgehensweise enthält.

Das Auswahlkommitee schreibt zur Begründung:

"Contemporary PerforMemory is a rigorously crafted exploration of dance as an epistemological practice of cultural memory in relation to historical trauma. Organized around seven contemporary dance pieces, it places the body at the center of archival enquiry, less as an object to be studied than an active subject that remembers, imagines, reclaims and sometimes resignifies injurious pasts.  The book is a model of creative disciplinary innovation, demonstrating how dancing itself is at once fully contemporary and fully historical, a methodology that helps us to work through and with the past."

Wir sagen: herzlichen Glückwunsch!

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