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Intervention Space | The Stinking Nose: A Knofi-Mahlzeit

Jun 24, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
The Stinking Nose: A Knofi-Mahlzeit

The Stinking Nose: A Knofi-Mahlzeit
Image Credit: Matthew Korahais

Event in English and German spoken language | free admission | registration required | no barrier-free access

In this olfactory and gustatory gathering in the kitchen of the CRC, our Mercator-Fellow Brandon Woolf will test out some new material (with your help) from his work-in-progress, The Stinking Nose, a performance/dinner starring garlic. This household allium has a tragic history. Since at least the Middle Ages, it has been grossly misappropriated by bigots as a derogatory symbol for the stink of the Other: migrating and oppressed peoples around the globe. It is also a beacon of resistance and fortitude both in our kitchens and out in the wild, fighting its enemies with Allicin and aroma. Thinking vegetally, with the garlic as our guide, we may discuss early Austrian rhinoplasties, what we know about what the nose knows, Freud's own penchant for sniffing over seeing, pickled codes of solidarity, and how to make the perfect hummus. We’ll be following our noses, and although there’s no promise where the culinary journey is going (or just what we’ll be eating – yet), wherever we wind up, it’ll be delicious - even if it stinks.

The number of participants is limited to 20 people. We therefore ask you to register. Please cancel your registration if you are unable to attend.

The event is part of the laboratory format Intervention Space Art and Academia.

Time & Location

Jun 24, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

SFB 1512 Intervenierende Künste, Kitchen (1. Floor), Grunewaldstr. 34, 12165 Berlin

Further Information

Registration with Julia Schmit (j.schmit@fu-berlin.de)